21 Words that Sell

As marketers, words are the essential tools of our trade. We spend our days carefully selecting the right combination of words to persuade, to inspire, to entertain and, most importantly, to sell.

By Jamie Hutchinson

Wed March 12th 2025

21 Words that Sell

As marketers, words are the essential tools of our trade. We spend our days carefully selecting the right combination of words to persuade, to inspire, to entertain and, most importantly, to sell. Language can be one of the most potent and powerful tools in a marketer’s arsenal – but choosing the wrong words is a little like trying to hammer in a nail using your fist. You might get the result you were hoping for eventually, but you’ll waste a lot of time and energy.

There are certain words that pack a real marketing punch. So we’ve put together a list of these marketing power words and phrases that can help you connect, convey urgency, earn trust and close deals. Use them in your next campaign and watch the conversions stack up.

You (Your or You’re)

Who, me?! Using this word forges an instant connection with whoever is reading your marketing content. It personally involves them and brings them into the copy, so they’re an active participant, rather than someone perusing from a distance. The same goes for variations including ‘your’ and ‘you’re’. ‘You’ is, unsurprisingly, the most common word used in online marketing, and it should be a cornerstone of all your copy.


Everyone loves free stuff – right? Consumers love to feel like they’re getting something for nothing. There’s something magical about this simple word that transforms consumers from merely interested to convinced.


This word appeals to the part of your target audience that likes all things shiny. New things are a lot like free things – they appeal to people on a deep level that can be hard to resist. Using this word helps your customer base feel like they’re right at the cutting-edge; that they’re getting something before everyone else.


Just one letter away from ‘new’, ‘now’ is another powerful word that conveys real urgency. It’s usually part of a call-to-action, and can act as the final push for the consumer to act. The word ‘now’ gives customers the idea that if they don’t act fast, they might miss out.


All the words on the list up until this point have been fairly straightforward words. This one invokes a more flowery, creative language, and it invites customers to subtly picture how their lives could be improved with your product or service. If you can make people feel something, you can sell to them more easily, and ‘imagine’ is a word that definitely stokes emotion.


Here’s another word that stokes that sense of urgency. The use of the word ‘limited’ is enormously persuasive. It conjures up a feeling of prestige and exclusivity – and of course, this clever tactic makes consumers feel like they want to be part of this club.


This word works on the same level as ‘free’, in that it convinces people they’re getting something for nothing. Everyone loves receiving gifts. If you can make a conversion feel like your consumer is being rewarded, you’re well on your way to astronomical sales.


There’s nothing wishy-washy about this word. It’s direct, it’s assertive, it’s full of promise. The word ‘results’ helps convince consumers that this solution will work for them; that it will deliver the outcome they were hoping for.


This word immediately tells the consumer that their investment will be a lasting one. Whether it’s lifetime access to certain resources or a lifetime guarantee on a particular product, the use of this word helps provide reassurance, and boosts the sense of trust that a consumer has in a brand.


Selling to a new customer can be tricky. You’re essentially convincing them to go out on a limb and take a chance on your product or service, despite having never used or experienced it before. But the word ‘proven’ can help give you the edge, and remove that sense of fear that the product or service might not deliver. If it’s already been ‘proven’ successful for other consumers, more are likely to follow.


This word has become even more important in the last few years, as the rise of lightning-fast technology has created a generation that wants everything now. We want our packages delivered right this second, we want our videos to load at the speed of light. Instant gratification sells, and ‘instantly’ is a very persuasive word to keep in your marketing toolbox.


If you’ve ever been let in on a secret, you’ll understand that it creates a sort of bond between you and the secret-sharer. You feel proud to have been trusted with the secret, and you might even feel moved to share a secret of your own in return. In marketing, the word ‘secret’ also makes the consumer feel like they’ve found something unique and precious, which no one else has access to. Making your target audience feel trusted and special is a great way to up your conversions.


‘Value’ is a useful synonym for ‘cost’ or ‘price’, which can make consumers feel like they’re losing out. Consumers are increasingly focused on getting ‘value for money’ with every purchase, so use this word to reassure them that their investment is a sound one.


The word ‘discover’ appeals to the consumers who don’t like to feel like they’re not ‘in the know’. It implies that there’s something unknown and mysterious that they aren’t informed about – and also suggests that ‘discovering’ this information could provide them with some kind of benefit.


This often-overlooked word can be very powerful if used in the right scenario. Consider the difference between ‘5 Solutions To Get More Sales’ and ‘The 5 Solutions To Get More Sales’. The addition of ‘the’ makes it sounds as though those particular solutions are the only ones worth considering.


As a marketer, you should be trying to make life as easy as possible for your customers and those you’re trying to sell to. So tell them how much easier their life would be with your product or service – and don’t forget to make the conversion process as simple as possible.


Using the word ‘remember’ acknowledges that your customers are busy, but reminds them of something you think they deserve to know. This is a good word to use if you have a limited offer of some kind – it helps to keep your proposition in the forefront of the consumer’s mind.


Sometimes a simple ‘buy now’ just isn’t enough to persuade someone. They might start thinking, “Why should I?” They may need to hear an additional reason why they should buy it now. Use the word ‘because’ to provide them with that compelling reason and increase their trust levels.


Much of marketing involves appealing to the emotions of your consumer, and ‘love’ is one of the most emotive words of all. It’s an endearing, positive word that convinces consumers their purchase will be worth it, emotionally.


The word ‘truth’ is a little like the word ‘discover’. It creates a sense that the consumer doesn’t know the full story (yet), and it also puts you in the perfect position to deliver that truth that they didn’t realise they were searching for.


This might seem like a strange word to use when trying to sell – but it can help you convey what’s known as a ‘negative benefit’. ‘Never worry about spam email again’ or ‘never overpay for your web hosting again’ can also create a sense that this product or service will provide a long-lasting benefit.

Thank you

Consumers like to feel appreciated, and a little ‘thank you’ can go a long way in the world of marketing. Whether you’re thanking them for signing up, thanking them for a purchase or showing your gratitude in another way, make sure you show them a little love.

Use these power words liberally, why not throw a smattering of them into the mix on your next marketing email, leaflet or landing page?

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